The Initiatives of TOKYO SKYTREE®
to Address the SDGs

The Initiatives
to Address the SDGs

TOKYO SKYTREE agrees with the philosophy of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aims to realize a sustainable society by helping to solve social issues through business activities based on our corporate philosophy.

What Are the SDGs?

Adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global objectives to be achieved by 2030. They were included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted at the Sustainable Development Summit with the unanimous approval of all member states as an action plan for people, planet, and prosperity. The SDGs comprise goals covering 17 fields and 169 targets. While striking a balance among the social, economic, and environmental dimensions, the plan aims to achieve these goals by 2030 through collaboration among not only governments but all kinds of people and organizations. Advocating that no one should be left behind, the agenda seeks to put an end to all forms of poverty, fight inequalities, tackle climate change, and realize a sustainable society. Specific goals are outlined in the SDGs.

Examples of TOKYO SKYTREE’s Initiatives to Address the SDGs


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Donation of part of revenue from the sale
of W1SH RIBBON products

〇 TOKYO SKYTREE donated part of the revenue earned from the sale of ribbons for the W1SH RIBBON project to the Covid-19 emergency support program and will continue to donate to the emergency assistance program centering for disaster medical support both in domestic and overseas of Peace Winds Japan, a certified nonprofit organization.

〇 Total amount of donation through the W1SH RIBBON project from the launch of September 2020 to the end of March 2024 was JPY10,326,425. We will be continuing our support activities through the W1SH RIBBON project.


Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Providing learning experience programs through industry-academia collaboration

〇 October 2023 marked the start of “~for our sustainable planet~ #suspla,” a sustainability experiential learning program for school groups organized by TOKYO SKYTREE and students at the Faculty of International Tourism Management in Toyo University, in an industry-academia collaboration.

〇 The goal is to have students learn about and experience the sustainable efforts being made by TOKYO SKYTREE and the local community, so as to contribute to the preservation of traditional culture and the development of the local economy, and realize sustainable tourism with potential for development.

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Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Adoption of uniform designs in consideration
of gender equality

〇 Current designed staff uniforms, including pants for female staff, were introduced in October 2020, and rules were changed so that female staff can freely choose between wearing skirts or pants.

〇 Rules were also changed for shoes. Instead of heeled shoes being essential, female staff are allowed to freely choose shoes that are comfortable for them.

〇 In addition, rules were changed to enable both male and female staff to freely choose whether to wear jackets and long- or short-sleeved shirts.


〇 In April 22, 2021, we launched a global campaign “W1SH RIBBON DISCOVER & CONNECT THE WORLD” which was designed to gather and connect people’s hopes and wishes from all over the world. Through this campaign, we have been promoting and informing activities that to develop an atmosphere to create a society that is based on diversity and equality. In this campaign, we created an original campaign song, a music video, and pamphlets with our messages “know differences, show differences, accept a wide range of values, and equality for all people” and presented them in the observation deck as well as disseminated through our official website and social media to the world.

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Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water
and sanitation for all

Adoption of anhydrous dye processing
for new uniform print

〇 Anhydrous dyeing processing was used for the pattern print on the new uniforms introduced in October 2020. By curbing the use of excessive dye and chemicals, such processing reduces the amount of water, chemicals, resources, and energy involved in cleaning.

Use of rainwater (TOKYO SYTREE TOWN)

〇 About 60 rainwater collection tanks with a total capacity of 2,635 tons have been installed in the basement of TOKYO SYTREE TOWN®. Of this total capacity, 800 tons of rainwater are used to water rooftop greenery and so on, and the remaining tanks (1,835 tons) play a role in controlling discharge to the surrounding area in the event of torrential rainfall, etc.

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Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
and modern energy for all

Complete LED conversion of lighting equipment

〇 All 2,362 lighting units have been converted to LED bulbs so as to enhance both the beauty of TOKYO SKYTREE’s illuminations, which light up the nighttime sky, and energy saving.

Heat supply by using the district heating and cooling (DHC) system (TOKYO SKYTREE district heat supply facility)

〇 The system partially uses geothermal heat to heat TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN and its surroundings. This achieves annual plant energy efficiency of 1.3 or higher, one of the top levels in Japan.

Introduction of photovoltaic panels

〇 Photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 20 kW have been installed, with the generated energy being used in the facility.

Local-production-for-local-consumption recycling efforts

〇 The food-grade oils disposed of by food establishments at TOKYO Solamachi® are recycled into the 100% bio-diesel fuel, B100, and have since been reused to fuel the generators at the Kajima JV construction site, for the continuous grade separation project of the Tobu Railway’s Tobu-Isesaki Line (near TOKYO SKYTREE Station) since September 2023.

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Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive
and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Deliver safety and security worthy of society’s trust.
【Corporate Philosophy】
Role as a broadcasting tower

〇 TOKYO SKYTREE serves as infrastructure for digital terrestrial broadcasting covering the whole of the Kanto region. Since the many skyscrapers rising 200 meters or more in Tokyo obstructed the transmission of radio waves, the realization of a 600-meter tower has ensured stable radio wave transmission. Furthermore, TOKYO SKYTREE has contributed to widening the area of access to One Seg, a digital broadcasting service for mobile phones.

〇 TOKYO SKYTREE is also expected to fulfill a role as a disaster-prevention center. For example, the power-supply system has been duplicated and an emergency generator installed so that it can continue operating as a broadcasting tower in the event of a major disaster as well.

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Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Installation of worship space

〇 Worship space has been newly installed for believers in Islam.

Universal design (TOKYO SYTREE TOWN)

〇 TOKYO SYTREE TOWN has received certification for meeting standards relating to smooth barrier-free passage in buildings, meaning that it is a user-friendly facility for all visitors. Among other things, there are barrier-free toilets and low counters that are accessible by wheelchair users as well. In addition, some of these toilets have care beds that can be used by elderly people and adults too.

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Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
and sustainable

Provide a space full of thrills and hope that will continue into the future.
【Corporate Philosophy】
Highly secure design to maintain function as broadcasting tower

〇 As a 600-meter-class structure, TOKYO SKYTREE has earthquake resistance and wind resistance standards exceeding those that are obligatory for ordinary high-rise buildings. Thanks to a main pillar vibration control system, the only one of its kind in the world, the structure is able to reduce swaying in an earthquake by up to 50%.

A complex equipped with various functions, including commerce, entertainment, culture, and disaster prevention, and collaborating with the surrounding community

〇 The complex contributes to vibrant community building together with the local district. It has created a landscape transcending time and space and provides safety and peace of mind in terms of disaster prevention too.

Three-dimensional greenery

〇 Endeavoring to enhance the perceivable greenery ratio, we have created a “green hill” by such means as ground-level roadside greenery, balconies with plants in the lower part of the facility, green curtains using vines, and green walls. The total area of greenery is about 8,100 m2.

Providing learning experience programs through industry-academia collaboration

〇 The goal is to have students learn about and experience the sustainable efforts being made by TOKYO SKYTREE and the local community, so as to contribute to the preservation of traditional culture and the development of the local economy, and realize sustainable tourism with potential for development.

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Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Extended period of sale of food products nearing best-before date

〇 To reduce food loss and waste, the rule stipulating that confectionery and other food products sold in shops should be withdrawn (scrapped) 14 days prior to the best-before date was revised in June 2020 to shorten the period to 3 days prior to the best-before date.

Dexterous use of food product ingredients

〇 Since June 2020 efforts have been made in the café menu to use the same ingredient in several menu items, thereby reducing waste.

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Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Complete LED conversion of lighting equipment

〇 All 2,362 lighting units have been converted to LED bulbs so as to enhance both the beauty of TOKYO SKYTREE’s illuminations, which light up the nighttime sky, and energy saving.

Recommended reusing vinyl bags, and the material contains approximately 25% recycled plastic.

〇 Notices are issued to customers about the reuse of vinyl bags.
In addition, the bags are made of 25% recycled plastic.
Environment-friendly initiatives are announced in shops as well.

Using environmentally friendly paper bags

〇 Our paper bags use FSC certified paper, promoting sustainable forest management. In addition, environment-friendly inks are used for printing, and emissions of harmful substances are reduced during production.

Heat supply by using the district heating and cooling (DHC) system (TOKYO SKYTREE district heat supply facility)

〇 The system partially uses geothermal heat to heat TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN and its surroundings. This achieves annual plant energy efficiency of 1.3 or higher, one of the top levels in Japan.

Introduction of photovoltaic panels

〇 Photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 20 kW have been installed, with the generated energy being used in the facility.

Vending Machines That Absorb Atmospheric CO2

〇 In support of the SDGs philosophy of official partner Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., in July 2023 we installed vending machines with a special material on the inside that absorbs CO2—Vending Machines That Absorb Atmospheric CO2 As of August 2024, there are eight of these vending machines installed in TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN. Absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.

We engage in carbon offsetting for the CO2 emitted in the lighting of TOKYO SKYTREE to decorate the Tokyo night with lighting that emits virtually zero CO2.

〇 Purchased J-Credits and J-VER through the “Tobu Railway Company-Owned Mt. Shinoi Forest Thinning Promotion Project” run by Tobu Railway. Engaged in carbon offsetting for the CO2 emitted in the lighting to realize lighting that emits virtually zero CO2.

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Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, sea
and marine resources for sustainable development

Recommended reusing vinyl bags, and the material contains approximately 25% recycled plastic.

〇 Notices are issued to customers about the reuse of vinyl bags. In addition, the bags are made of 25% recycled plastic. Environment-friendly initiatives are announced in shops as well.

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Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation
and halt biodiversity loss

Using environmentally friendly paper bags

〇 Our paper bags use FSC certified paper, promoting sustainable forest management. In addition, environment-friendly inks are used for printing, and emissions of harmful substances are reduced during production.

Three-dimensional greenery

〇 Endeavoring to enhance the perceivable greenery ratio, we have created a “green hill” by such means as ground-level roadside greenery, balconies with plants in the lower part of the facility, green curtains using vines, and green walls. The total area of greenery is about 8,100 m2.

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Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels


〇 In April 22, 2021, we launched a global campaign “W1SH RIBBON DISCOVER & CONNECT THE WORLD” which was designed to gather and connect people’s hopes and wishes from all over the world. Through this campaign, we have been promoting and informing activities that to develop an atmosphere to create a society that is based on diversity and equality. In this campaign, we created an original campaign song, a music video, and pamphlets with our messages “know differences, show differences, accept a wide range of values, and equality for all people” and presented them in the observation deck as well as disseminated through our official website and social media to the world.